Wednesday 28 August 2013

iPad Charger Explodes in UK

Tim suffered a terrible electric shock when his daughter’s iPad charger exploded in his hand. Tim Gillooley claims his eight year old girl(Chloe) could have been killed if she had been the one to reach down and unplug the device. Tim was burnt by the shock. 
As reported by Mirror news, this comes a month after the family of a Chinese woman, Ma Ailun, claimed she was killed as a result of being electrocuted while chatting on her iPhone 5 as it charged. Mr Gillooley, from Warrington, bought the iPad from the Apple Store in Liverpool for his daughter.
He said: There was a huge bang and it blew me across the room. I was in shock. I was hysterically laughing for about two minutes. It was a bad shock that went down my arm. My mum was panicking and Chloe burst into tears. Nine times out of 10, Chloe would have gone to get it herself. I think it would have killed her.

Tim  noticed Chloe’s iPad had charging problems so he returned it to the Apple Store three months earlier but was told there was nothing wrong with the charger or the device. They even bought a new official charger and lightening cable to see if it would solve the problem.
He added.  “We were big fans of Apple but I won’t let my daughter near her iPhone if it’s a ticking time bomb.”
Apple has asked Tim for the burnt remains of the charger to review.

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